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2010年3月15日星期一 11:32
the first term is over

After reading our class blog i finally realized one eighth of my jc life has passed.but i am still in the holiday mood..omg..
i have a bad habit of being a last-minute worker.this brought me lots of troubles especially during the prelim last year,but i just didnt learn from the experience.sighs...i wish i could use this holiday efficiently and revise all those i have yet studied but teachers already went through...
ps.i believe i have no talent in studying cells!
"what cca were you in in secondary school?"
"what cca are you in now?"
then i can literally see the person ' s jaw drop..haha.
em...actully what most of the people didnt know is that i played basketball during primary school..i dont seem like that kind of person meh?sob sob
so far we merely had three trainings and i only saw the basketball boys and coach for one time.i can tell the training is VERY tough for the seniors.However they never complain.for us the juniors,we only did basics like dribbling.That means the training was not hard for us at all.
but i really like basketball!it is so fun to learn all kinds of skills!haha.
wish them all the best in upcoming competitions!
wow!yesterday the outing was really fun! Sha sha is a great friend!i will certainly miss her when she leaves our school!we took a lot of photos yesterday, and we were laughing like mad when we two went for the stylish shot!hahas
although i ate only a little bbq food but the food was quite tasty!should have bbq more often.esp the free bbq food.:D
Medaline and Jessica turned out to be great and funny accompany!
i met some guys from Fujian province and even one from Xiamen!ohohoh all those smart scholars.but i saw no handsome guys..sorry..orz..they all have the kind of very smart look,but not handsome look.
em..I enjoyed this fantastic two weeks!goodbye sha sha and good luck!i wish one day i can meet you in NUS!
ps i will get our photos upload once i get them..if anyone wants to see..
lastly ..i dont know whether i can cope with my studies..sighs.


dear diary.

i’m who you want me to be.
cos you’re my one and only.
cos you were all I ever wanted.
cos you were all I ever needed and more.
cos i’m still in love with you.

Lolita D
30th of April
Bendemeer Sec Sch 4E1
and have a group of V gd E1 friends(i love you all!)
currently in NJC 10SH11
unexpectedly no siblings

bold italic underline strike


go to NUS medicine
eat well & sleep well
pass general paper
not to talk to him
everyone is in the pink

without a single word.


ShoutMix chat widget

went away.

=class blog=




=Wei Yoong=









your smile.

十一月 2008
十二月 2008
一月 2009
二月 2009
三月 2009
四月 2009
六月 2009
十一月 2009
一月 2010
二月 2010
三月 2010
二月 2013

another sad song.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

won't regret.

blogskin of invalid.love