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2009年4月30日星期四 21:35

um.....a boring week sia....just checking our test paper.teachers are all lazy to teach especially with students who are also lazy to learn.totally hopeless...and because of that, i have read 9 storybooks.wow...

Thanks god, i just passed my english.English was my source of nightmare during last few weeks.and i am also pleased with the fact that i had gotten four subjects top..haha...

i cant go msn!!!irritating...i kept trying but it just couldnt work.sigh.i think i should call some expert to help me sort this out.



WOW i am 17 years old!!cant believe it??!!yeah, i myself also cant believe it...i just cant believe i am no longer 16 years old --the age Celine believed you will meet your Mr Right.Too bad, I am just not lucky enough.

Although today was a not a so perfect day--mostly due to the fact that my birthday has been totally forgotten by someone --it was quite a pleasant day.:)

My day started off by receiving 璐薇 and Rebecca's message.It was soooo sweet of them to stay over night trying to be the first one to congratulate me!!Thank you!!

After I had settled down on my seat, Vic,Celine,Michelle,Brenda,Benj,Kah gave me their presents.I liked the key chain very much!! it is so caring of you remembering that I once said that Celine's key chain was very nice!!And Vic's pictures are so interesting and unique !I think i will keep the picture for my lifetime!In addition, Leuven and Gary's not so ''well- decorated'' and ''simple ''birthday card''(a piece of fullscape actually==)is also IMPRESSIVE.oh I have to mention Syhida's card which is extremely nice!!..
I really appreciate all of it!!

During the class, I received all the warm-hearting messages from 大头姐姐,猪,宜,Tina,Yan Hong and so on.Thanks my dear dear smart handsome brother 邓嘉敏。and Ming Jing!!!

Also the most important my classmates who sang the birthday song during bio lesson, despite it was quite embarrassed being the centre of attention!!And all my friends who wish me happy birthday.Thank you so much!

My sweet seventeen-- i have to try my best to fight for the upcoming o levels!!jiayou!!


dear diary.

i’m who you want me to be.
cos you’re my one and only.
cos you were all I ever wanted.
cos you were all I ever needed and more.
cos i’m still in love with you.

Lolita D
30th of April
Bendemeer Sec Sch 4E1
and have a group of V gd E1 friends(i love you all!)
currently in NJC 10SH11
unexpectedly no siblings

bold italic underline strike


go to NUS medicine
eat well & sleep well
pass general paper
not to talk to him
everyone is in the pink

without a single word.


ShoutMix chat widget

went away.

=class blog=




=Wei Yoong=









your smile.

十一月 2008
十二月 2008
一月 2009
二月 2009
三月 2009
四月 2009
六月 2009
十一月 2009
一月 2010
二月 2010
三月 2010
二月 2013

another sad song.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

won't regret.

blogskin of invalid.love