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2009年1月24日星期六 22:58
My days

We had many science experiments these few weeks.

BIOLOGY--the most terrified one..We had to cut the chicken eyes using scissors and forceps.At first i thought the experiment was so exciting, because i think we are supposed to examine the eyeballs only.But when Ms Lim walked into the lab with chicken heads in the plastic bags,i was totally stunned..Only then i know we are supposed to cut the eyeballs ourselves...The smell of the raw chicken was extremely disgusting, making me nauseate.
Although i managed to get the lens quickly, i felt uncomfortable smelling of raw chicken from then on..
And i realized Celine and Michelle were also sensitive to the word "chicken" now...haha..
ps the photoes are from Alice..

Chemistry--I hate the smell of ammonia and sulphur dioxide.However i like chem experiments very much, observing the different colours.

Physics--I was so repentant that i took out the metal( dont know what that calls) from the wax during the experiment, making the curve not smooth enough...so sorry for Syahida...

Actually, i like doing experiments( without mentioning about SPA) as the lessons being taught in classroom are kinda dull.ESP the phy ones...

yah!tomorrow is so-called Chinese New Year Eve.This is the second year i spent this day in Singapore.. I miss all the traditions i did in Putian,China.
And my grandma, grandpa, my siblings and all my kith and kin.
I love you all!!

Ps. Happy new year to all my chinese friends!

2009年1月10日星期六 21:07
SEC 1 orientation!

今天去招募中一的学弟学妹们进合唱团。我真的觉得超级好玩的~(我的中文退步了。。= =)
所以今天说得最多的一句话就是“join choir leh!"

那时在choir room前面,Kah Kah 和Celine 在拉一个中一的男生加入她们的CCA(应该不是Girl Guide。。。)。男生有着很稚嫩的面孔,蓝色的眼睛,还有在阳光下闪闪发光的牙套。我心想我又晚了一步。如果事情就这样的话我也不会对他印象那么深刻。
一个早上在中一的同学里面转悠,不断地拉他们加入合唱团,都有点疲惫了。而且他们有时候还给我们一副不屑的样子,要不然就是冷漠地从我们身边走过,我都觉得自己好像热脸贴在冷屁股上,十分尴尬。这时一位学弟在没有经过我费一滴口水( 郁闷-)的情况下,很坚定地告诉我他要加入合唱团。让我在那么疲惫的一个早上,心中竟然感到丝丝的温暖。
Celine 和我都鼓起了掌,男生憨憨地笑了。

最让我尴尬的是我们合唱团的表演。唱得不像样,舞跳得也没有dance club专业。下面居然有学弟学妹很不给面子地笑了起来~(鄙视!哼!) 我们简直手足无措。。。


dear diary.

i’m who you want me to be.
cos you’re my one and only.
cos you were all I ever wanted.
cos you were all I ever needed and more.
cos i’m still in love with you.

Lolita D
30th of April
Bendemeer Sec Sch 4E1
and have a group of V gd E1 friends(i love you all!)
currently in NJC 10SH11
unexpectedly no siblings

bold italic underline strike


go to NUS medicine
eat well & sleep well
pass general paper
not to talk to him
everyone is in the pink

without a single word.


ShoutMix chat widget

went away.

=class blog=




=Wei Yoong=









your smile.

十一月 2008
十二月 2008
一月 2009
二月 2009
三月 2009
四月 2009
六月 2009
十一月 2009
一月 2010
二月 2010
三月 2010
二月 2013

another sad song.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

won't regret.

blogskin of invalid.love