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2013年2月7日星期四 23:37

I wish i am the one for you. but apparently i am not. at all.

2010年3月15日星期一 11:32
the first term is over

After reading our class blog i finally realized one eighth of my jc life has passed.but i am still in the holiday mood..omg..
i have a bad habit of being a last-minute worker.this brought me lots of troubles especially during the prelim last year,but i just didnt learn from the experience.sighs...i wish i could use this holiday efficiently and revise all those i have yet studied but teachers already went through...
ps.i believe i have no talent in studying cells!
"what cca were you in in secondary school?"
"what cca are you in now?"
then i can literally see the person ' s jaw drop..haha.
em...actully what most of the people didnt know is that i played basketball during primary school..i dont seem like that kind of person meh?sob sob
so far we merely had three trainings and i only saw the basketball boys and coach for one time.i can tell the training is VERY tough for the seniors.However they never complain.for us the juniors,we only did basics like dribbling.That means the training was not hard for us at all.
but i really like basketball!it is so fun to learn all kinds of skills!haha.
wish them all the best in upcoming competitions!
wow!yesterday the outing was really fun! Sha sha is a great friend!i will certainly miss her when she leaves our school!we took a lot of photos yesterday, and we were laughing like mad when we two went for the stylish shot!hahas
although i ate only a little bbq food but the food was quite tasty!should have bbq more often.esp the free bbq food.:D
Medaline and Jessica turned out to be great and funny accompany!
i met some guys from Fujian province and even one from Xiamen!ohohoh all those smart scholars.but i saw no handsome guys..sorry..orz..they all have the kind of very smart look,but not handsome look.
em..I enjoyed this fantastic two weeks!goodbye sha sha and good luck!i wish one day i can meet you in NUS!
ps i will get our photos upload once i get them..if anyone wants to see..
lastly ..i dont know whether i can cope with my studies..sighs.


2010年2月5日星期五 22:05

actually i had a lot to say about my new school.i am getting used to it, to all the talented people there. and i find our OG is quite good.
we started 0ur lectures on Thursday,even we dont have any formal class.the lecturers taught so fast that i couldnt catch a single thing!!!it is so horrible!!!!!
today i went to eat icecream with my OG and we had a fantastic time together.though i think we are not vert close friends,but we make each other good company.haha
the most embarrassing moment is when we played truth or dare,i think this is the first time i had ever played this game.... and i choose to say the truth....they ask about which boy in the OG i would like to marry...i was like...what the hell...so i randomly pointed to a boy opposite me,because he looks the maturest! then i started to blush...which is the common thing when i was excited or something else...someone shouted "deng jing is blushing!”oh my gosh! that time i really wished i was invisible!!!so embarrassing!!!

2010年1月29日星期五 20:48
a better day

today was the second day in NJC.Yesterday i was sad because i didnt get in to hwa chong.today we had various programmes and i made lots of friends.the cute Jenny ,Emily ,scholars yang guang and zuo bing etc.. also one pretty girl from my secondary school in china!!They all very friendly and fluent in English but we are just no close ..maybe because we are not familiar with each other.

Today i really got to see what "OPEN" is.there was one game whereby the losers need to touch each other for seven parts of the body.First time one girl and one guy unluckily became the losers.So they were reqiured to touch each other. When i heard the rules i was like "are they joking?" But it is not!!It was like the normal thing for them,they all not shy or things like that. if it was me, i would become super embarrassed~~The second time the losers were two boys.You should see the posture they had, they were crossing one of their legs and using one of their hands to touch each other's butt!!Even watching two boys doing this, i felt so embarrassing!!!This is called openminded...

I was really lucky to see Benjamin and Brenda after the tiring school.After chatting and laughing with them, i almost forgot i was feeling hungry and tired at that time.When i received Benj phone call on the way back to Book Keng, i was so delighted!!!We chatted about the old school days and laughed nonstop in KFC...I forgot to tell them i really had a good time and it is the happiest time of today!!! there might be some barriers between me and the new schoolmates, but after seeing them , i forgot the unhappiness i had. ohhhh i miss you all so much!!

while i was eating in canteen with new friends, i was thinking of the old days we sat together in the canteen with benj brenda kah vic celine michelle.i really missed the time we had!!

yeah.thanks vignesh.for your encouragement.It made me better.Hope you will fit into the new environment soon!!

btw i dont think i will be writing blog very often because the school has almost started and my mum will ban me from computer.But i wish i would keep in touch with everyone!!!good luck!!


2010年1月28日星期四 17:36
my new school

today was the first day i want to national jc.Frankly speaking ,i didnt like my new jc so much.I dont know why.Maybe because i have met so many scholars who had scored seven or more A1s in Olevel which makes me stressed,or because i have met a lot of pretty girls but no handsome guys around,or because the school is under construction which made the school a bit not so scenic.
Anyway i will be in this school for the rest of two years.i think i have to love this school.
Everyday i had to travel at least 45 minutes to go to school.i was so tired on the first day of school.I dont know how am i going to cope with it for the rest of school days.
To top it all, the CCA i wish to join, which is basketball ,requires three times a week.it is like siao~how am i going to go through it??!

so tired now...hope tomorrow everything will be better.At least let me know some nice guys..:P

2010年1月27日星期三 08:54

someone told me the msg will be arriving at 8am, so i set my alarm to 750am.however when i wake up at 710am and switched on my phone, i saw the msg immediately.
i knew it.national jc.
i didnt know whether i should be happy or sad,because njc is my second choice, i wanted to go in hwa chong...
sigh...i go appeal..

2010年1月26日星期二 13:17

It was a really wonderful experience to see my classmates in the new year.haha.i dont need to say how much fun we had together.this might be the last time we are together but i believe the memory we had will etch in our mind forever.
zhi wen refused to take the picture.

they are so helpful!


dear diary.

i’m who you want me to be.
cos you’re my one and only.
cos you were all I ever wanted.
cos you were all I ever needed and more.
cos i’m still in love with you.

Lolita D
30th of April
Bendemeer Sec Sch 4E1
and have a group of V gd E1 friends(i love you all!)
currently in NJC 10SH11
unexpectedly no siblings

bold italic underline strike


go to NUS medicine
eat well & sleep well
pass general paper
not to talk to him
everyone is in the pink

without a single word.


ShoutMix chat widget

went away.

=class blog=




=Wei Yoong=









your smile.

十一月 2008
十二月 2008
一月 2009
二月 2009
三月 2009
四月 2009
六月 2009
十一月 2009
一月 2010
二月 2010
三月 2010
二月 2013

another sad song.


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

won't regret.

blogskin of invalid.love